BROKEN TAPE Free Download for PC

Welcome to! Here you can download BROKEN TAPE PC Game using Torrent & Pre_installed Direct Links without any hassle, ads, or pop-ups. We promise to provide you with a direct link so that you can download or directly play pre-installed online games. The official release date for this game was 30 Jul, 2024.


Introduction to BROKEN TAPE:

Hey dude, get ready for some serious mind-bending action with Broken Tape, a narrative-driven first-person walking simulator mixed with psychological horror. You step into the shoes of a test subject working for a massive organization dedicated to finding, studying, and handling anomalies.

Your mission and Dive into old mysterious tapes and root out the freaky stuff hidden inside. Welcome to the Anomaly Fighting Foundation® (AFF). Forget who you were, forget everything from before. You’ve got a job now, a duty to humanity that you can’t ignore.

There are 5 tapes to tackle: the Office, where you’ll navigate an endless maze of workspaces; the Hotel, with miles of identical halls making it nearly impossible to find your room; the Warehouse, a worker’s worst nightmare with endless rows of boxes and shelves; the Stairway, an endless climb of floor after floor where you should’ve taken the elevator; and Firewatch, which starts off peaceful but requires you to stay alert for fires.

Your mission is to get in, find the anomalies, fix them, and get out. Don’t run off too quickly though – some anomalies are tricky to find. Just a heads up: AFF isn’t liable for any injuries you might get from your anomaly-busting adventures.

Explore every inch, keep your eyes peeled, and get up close. Every second you spend inside helps researchers piece together what these creepy old tapes are all about and Who knows, maybe your work will be the missing piece they’ve been searching for. Try to stay alive, secure, contain, protect.

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Recommended System Requirements For BROKEN TAPE:

  • Operating System Windows 10
  • Processor  Ryzen 5
  • Graphics  GTX 1660 Ti
  • Memory 8 GB RAM
  • Storage 3 GB available space

BROKEN TAPE Direct Download Links:

Want to download BROKEN TAPE Free Download PC? Click the download buttons given below as they take you to download the Full Version of this game. Make sure to run this game as an administrator.

Instructions For Downloading BROKEN TAPE:

  1. Click the Download buttons of your choice from one of above and you’ll get directed to download this game.
  2. After a wait for few seconds click on the ‘download now‘ button and your game will begin downloading.
  3. Once BROKEN TAPE zip file is downloaded completely, right-click on the .zip file then select “Extract here“.
  4. Run the BROKEN TAPE application file by clicking it twice.
  5. If you encounter any error while downloading or installing, feel free to reach us by leaving a comment below.


BROKEN TAPE Free Download
BROKEN TAPE Free Download PC

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